If you’re wondering how often you need duct cleaning service for your Orlando home, the answer depends on a number of things that can affect how polluted your indoor air gets. In general, professional duct cleaning is recommended about every 3 to 5 years but some homes and businesses need it more often, and some less.
Air ducts in households with several pets, for instance, can need duct cleaning service three times more often within that 5 years than their neighbor who only needed it once during that time.
Orlando homes located near busy roads or highways are exposed to more road dust, so this can affect how often the homeowner would need to get duct cleaning as well. Here are a few other things to be considered:
What type of air pollution is created indoors?
The type of building involved can make a huge difference in how much air pollution is created by the occupants. There can be a big difference in the indoor air quality of an Orlando home, a restaurant, a manufacturing plant, and a factory, simply because of the activities going on inside.
How many people and pets spend time indoors? Dust is mostly made up of dead skin cells from humans and animals. The more people and pets, the more dust created indoors.
Do you smoke indoors? Cigarette smoke, cigar smoke, fireplace smoke, and cooking stove smoke will all get circulated through the ductwork. Smoke sticks the surfaces and other pollutants, such as hair, get stuck to the smoke.
Do you do any crafts or hobbies that create VOCs, dust, or fine debris such as wood sanding? The activity could be creating more indoor air pollution, and if so, it means you’ll need to get duct cleaning more often.
Where is the home or building located?
In addition to what type of activity is going on inside a building, the activities going outside the building also make a difference in how often you may need to call a professional for duct cleaning service.
Buildings and homes located near factories or manufacturing plants in Orlando can be exposed to a lot of air pollution from the outdoors. You may not be able to see any gases or smoke rising from smoke stacks, but that doesn’t mean a facility’s daily operations aren’t creating pollution that envelopes your house. Where you are located will also make a big difference in how fast your air ducts get dirty.
Ask your duct cleaning contractor how often to get service.
The best way to know how long you should probably wait between duct cleanings is to get a recommendation from our Orlando duct cleaning company or a professional located near you at the time of the visit. We may need to ask you a question or two and will need to assess a number of other factors as well.
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1026 28th Street, Suite 102
Orlando, FL 32805
Phone: (321) 655-4800
Email: edgarsspot@gmail.com
Mon - Sat: 8AM - 5PM